Chrono Trigger played by Kara Comparetto

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Chrono Trigger has always held a special place in my heart. I wanted to create something that was beyond just a casual piano recording, so I arranged the entire soundtrack for three instruments: the piano, pipe organ, and harpsichord. I believe these three instruments do justice to the original soundtrack by their ability to produce a similar sound quality, yet be fully acoustic. It is my wish that you immerse yourself in the beauty of this soundtrack, and let it bring you back to the day that you saved the past, present, and future!


Kara Comparetto


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Chrono Trigger has always held a special place in my heart. I wanted to create something that was beyond just a casual piano recording, so I arranged the entire soundtrack for three instruments: the piano, pipe organ, and harpsichord. I believe these three instruments do justice to the original soundtrack by their ability to produce a similar sound quality, yet be fully acoustic. It is my wish that you immerse yourself in the beauty of this soundtrack, and let it bring you back to the day that you saved the past, present, and future!


Kara Comparetto

Music composed by Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu

Recorded and mastered by Jimmy Gray



  1. Presentiment
  2. Chrono Trigger
  3. Morning Sunlight
  4. Peaceful Days
  5. Guardia Millenial Fair
  6. Gato’s Song
  7. Battle 1
  8. A Strange Happening
  9. Wind Scene
  10. Goodnight
  11. Huh?!
  12. Secret of the Forest
  13. Guardia Castle—Courage and Pride
  14. Manoria Cathedral
  15. A Prayer to the Road that Leads
  16. Silent Light
  17. Boss Battle 1
  18. Fanfare 1
  19. Frog’s Theme
  20. Kingdom Trial
  21. The Hidden Truth
  22. A Shot of Crisis
  23. Ruined World
  24. Mystery of the Past
  25. Lab 16’s Ruin
  26. People Without Hope
  27. The Day the World Revived
  28. Robo Gang Johnny
  29. Bike Chase
  30. Robo’s Theme
  31. Remains of the Factor
  32. Brink of Time
  33. Delightful Spekkio
  34. Fanfare 3
  35. Memories of Green
  36. Underground Sewer
  37. Boss Battle 2
  38. Primitive Mountain
  39. Ayla’s Theme
  40. Burn! Bobonga!
  41. Magus’ Castle
  42. Confusing Melody
  43. Battle with Magus
  44. Tyran Castle
  45. At the Bottom of Night
  46. Corridors of Time
  47. Zeal Palace
  48. Schala’s Theme
  49. Sealed Door
  50. Undersea Palace
  51. Crono and Marle—Far Off Promise
  52. Epoch—Wings that Cross Time
  53. Black Omen
  54. Determination
  55. Lavo’s Theme
  56. World Revolution
  57. Last Battle
  58. First Festival of Stars
  59. Epilogue—To Good Friends
  60. To Far Away Times



Video game

Format Type

Digital, Physical + Digital




256 kbps AAC